Even though I have practiced meditation my whole life, I sometimes experience this reluctance, too.
It can be a struggle to either find the time or even the motivation to sit down and practice. This is completely understandable, especially in this modern age. We lead such busy lives, after all. So much goes on around us — and in our own heads. But this is exactly why meditation should be a priority in our lives, now more than ever before.
So, how do we get out of our own way?
Everyone can find the time to meditate for at least three minutes daily. Just think: a trip to the bathroom can last longer than that! If you can find the time to eliminate your body of physical waste, then I know you can find the time to eliminate your mind of mental waste.
Emotional waste is harmful to your life; holding onto it will result in you feeling “stuck.” This can feed into increased feelings of anger, fear, and sadness. Gradually, by letting it stir in your mind, it can aggravate these negative feelings. But there is a way forward. Meditation removes this waste from standing in your path towards contentment, happiness, courage, strength, and joy.
It is time to self-initiate. Try meditating for three minutes, every day, for one full week. It is a very simple, very attainable goal that will result in long-time benefits. Once you finish a week of meditation, commit to another week… and so on, until it becomes a natural routine.
If you need help getting started, here are some easy meditations:
- Beginner’s Meditation
- Seven Wave Meditation
- 4/4 Segmented Meditation
- Kirtan Kriya
- Positive Mind Meditation
- Negative Mind Meditation
You can find these Kundalini meditations (as taught by Yogi Bhajan) on my website. I’d love to hear from you during your journey, so please let me know how meditation works for you.
Meditations featued in this post:
Beginner's Meditation
Create inner peace through connecting to your breath. Simple meditation for those who don’t know where to start.

Kirtan Kriya
Heals depression by increasing grey matter and breaking negative patterns in the mind. The benefits of this meditation also support a healthy function of the mind for memory, especially for Alzheimer's.
Positive Mind
This meditation opens the heart center and feelings of the positive (perspective) self.
Negative Mind
The negative mind is all about protection and assessment. It is the first lens of the three minds.