Managing Everyday Stresses & Triggers

June 12, 2017

Staying Neutral in life! What does that mean? It means “don’t lose your shit.” So many of us snap on a daily basis, from being cut off while driving, to a comment made by a colleague; reactions can be set off by small events or even thoughts. Snapping and losing your cool can be unhealthy adding stress to your body, self, and mind due to your glandular system overworking itself. This also affects your life and relationships as well.

Daily meditation can support and manage your stresses making you less reactive to the smaller stresses. When I consistently meditate, I have less reactive moments in life. When I halt the meditating, my small stresses come back in my everyday life.

But remember, you're human. It’s normal to snap, but meditating helps with those smaller snaps. But let’s try being angels to our body and meditate!

You can find meditations on my blog! Commit, practice and inspire others by leaving a comment in the post.