One Minute Breath Meditation

One Minute Breath Meditation

Teaches you to be calm in fast changing times. Helps to shift the worrying mind to trusting the process of life. Teaches inner awareness by connecting to the flow of your energy, your breath.

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Learn to practice


The hands resting in your lap or knees


Eyes are closed and focused on your breathing and body


The hands resting in your lap or knees


Ek ong kaar Sat Nam Karta Purkh Nirbhao Nirvair Akal Murat Adjoonee Guru Prasaad Jap Aad Sach Jugaad Sach Haibhee Sach Haibhee Sach. This mantra taps into energy which helps us change our old patterns to new patterns. In our thinking, behaving and in our relationships. 


There are three musical repetitions of same chant. 1st is inhale (20 secs), 2nd is holding your breath (20 secs) and 3rd is exhaling (20 secs). Going straight into your next inhale. Each repetition of the mantra is equivalent to 20 seconds.


Inhale and exhale deeply…sit quietly and be with yourself as you return to your natural breathing. 


3 or 7 min. daily practice to build up to the one minute breath. 

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One Minute Breath Collection

One Minute Breath Collection

$ 4.99 USD
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7 Min. timings included

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