Anxiety Release Meditation

Anxiety Release Meditation

Supports you to be calm and centered through the obstacles of life (to not freak out)

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Learn to practice


Interlace middle, ring and small fingers. Index and thumb tips are touching. Your index fingers should be pointed away from your body, parallel to the floor, and you thumbs pointed towards your body.


Eyes are closed and focused on the 3rd eye. The 3rd eye is between the eyebrows and up one inch. This activates intuition.


Interlace middle, ring and small fingers. Index and thumb tips are touching. Your index fingers should be pointed away from your body, parallel to the floor, and you thumbs pointed towards your body.


Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru

Guru means teacher, truth. Gu is darkness, Ru is light. Guru is the process of transforming yourself from darkness to light. Wahe is that indescribable process of the Guru experience. Find it inside you!


Chant the mantra in a monotone and steady rhythm. Allow chanting to create a pattern in the brain and inner Self.


Inhale deeply three times and sit quietly for 2-3 min.


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Anxiety Release Meditation

Anxiety Release Meditation

$ 2.99 USD
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3 Min. + 7 Min. + 11 Min. + 22 Min. timings included

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